Wild Honey Sofia's Beehive 1000 ml
The honey from the Sofia Beehive is authentic multifloral artisan honey from:
Heather, carquiexa, blackberry, chestnut, oak and capudre , predominantly.
Sofía's hive collects all its honey harvest at more than 1000 meters of altitude in an area protected by the NATURA NETWORK in the BIOESPHERE RESERVE of Los Ancares Lucenses,
in a totally handmade way, following the tradition of more than five generations without manipulation or alteration in the natural development of our bee colony.
Our honey is characterized by being multifloral , given that the altitude at which the apiary is located, the mild temperatures of the area and therefore the late flowering of the vegetation,
it only allows us to develop a single harvest , at the end of the season.
It is distinguished by its dark color, intense flavor, dense texture and aroma of heather, chestnut, carqueixa, blackberry and capudre, the latter exclusive and characteristic of high mountain areas with a high presence among our forests.
Sofía's hive collects all its honey harvest at more than 1000 meters of altitude in an area protected by the NATURA NETWORK in the BIOESPHERE RESERVE of Los Ancares Lucenses,
in a totally handmade way, following the tradition of more than five generations without manipulation or alteration in the natural development of our bee colony.
Our honey is characterized by being multifloral , given that the altitude at which the apiary is located, the mild temperatures of the area and therefore the late flowering of the vegetation,
it only allows us to develop a single harvest , at the end of the season.
It is distinguished by its dark color, intense flavor, dense texture and aroma of heather, chestnut, carqueixa, blackberry and capudre, the latter exclusive and characteristic of high mountain areas with a high presence among our forests.
Our herd grazes in an area protected by the Natura Biosphere Reserve network, integrated into a population nucleus of 4 inhabitants, without any type of industrial, agro-industrial, livestock or polluting influence on the environment.
During the long and harsh winter of the mountains, our bees only feed on the honey that they have made during the flowering season, which we understand to leave as a food reserve until the mild spring.
We do not use any type of additive to increase production. Our great-great-grandparents didn't.
To guarantee the natural work process of the colony without causing any type of stress or violent situations in their coexistence, we only collect honey from our bees,
In other words, we do not install any type of traps or simulations for the extraction of other variants of this product such as pollen, propolis, etc.
Available sizes: 500 ml and 1000 ml
This craft project that is born from the heart to the world, is delighted to meet you and wants to welcome you to the Colmenar de Sofía.
After more than five generations, as far as we are aware and developing with careful affection the production of our honey, it is time to instill in the younger generation, our little Sofía,
This activity tends to disappear in the Ancares Natural Park due to the aging of the population and consequently to the high degree of depopulation.
Precisely this factor and the development of daily activity, for hundreds of years according to the customs of yesteryear, have favored the conservation of this natural and unique environment, in its wildest and purest state.
As a result of these factors, we have to be grateful that as of today our living and working space is recognized and is part of the Ecological Network of Biodiversity Areas in the European Union as a whole, Red natura.
For this reason and with the firm values of transmitting health, sharing nature and forging a small future for our very young Sofía, we have only started by putting a mark on our day-to-day work in order to
share with thousands of homes all the properties of a product of incalculable Value and Supreme quality.
This is how "the Sofia Beehive" was born during the most economically critical year that we hope will be remembered during this centenary. An apiary that has been passed down from father to son for centuries and that we have wanted to identify in an endearing way
and affectionate with the probably only heir to the beekeeping tradition "da casa do Rubio de Murias".
This is our long history of short history in which we do not want to stop thanking all our first potential clients for the most absolute trust placed in our honey, supported by the unexpected and surprising return of congratulations,
signs of affection and new friendships.
The Beehive of Sofia is located in a protected area of the NATURA NETWORK and therefore is part of the Reserve of the biosphere of Los Ancares Lucenses,
framed in the natural spaces of the Ancares Natural Park, with special biological and landscape characteristics that make its terrestrial ecosystem favor the natural development of species through natural selection.
It is characterized by its great natural and scenic value through valleys, mountains, forests and rivers.
Among the characteristic flora of the area, chestnut trees, holly trees, walnut trees, capudres, oaks, hazelnuts and poplars predominate, all of them predominant species in the interior of Galicia and which you can enjoy in abundant and unique colonies in Los Ancares.
Standing out among bushes and herbs, heather, broom, carqueixa, gencina and blackberry predominate, which in the spring season cover the landscape with a multicolored mantle that weaves their flowers.
The protected species par excellence in the area are the Grouse and the Brown Bear.
In addition, wild boars, roe deer, deer, squirrels, badgers and genets proliferate.
Sofía's hive coexists with all this habitat, including the Brown Bear, in the Municipality of Murias do Camín in the Navia de Suarna Town Hall, located in the mountainous area of Eastern Galicia, in the northern area of the Sierra de los Ancares.
Murias do Camín is located on the elevation of the Parroquia de Santa María de Ribón, at 1,000 meters of altitude, with a population center of 4 inhabitants,
without any industrial, agricultural, livestock or polluting influence for the beekeeping operation that we present to you in the form of honey